Armour Magazine

Armour Magazine is a fashion and culture magazine based in St. Louis, Missouri. I served as lead art director and EIC. For each issue, I created an over-arching theme, led a pitch meeting, and then assigned creators and oversaw direction of over forty shoots annually, managing the budgets, models, and any on-the-fly emergencies (like finding a backup photographer at 4 AM while standing in the middle of a beehive).

Here are some of my favorite spreads from my favorite issue. The theme was our first open-ended, structural concept - color. I created twelve groups of art directors, photographers, stylists, makeup artists, writers, editors, and models, and gave each a dedicated color and prompting idea. From blue’s “under the sea prom” to the homage to orange, each prompt was created to honor and give pause to each color, while bringing youth, whimsy, and a sense of excitement.


Client: Armour Magazine

Role: Lead Art Director, Editor in Chief

Deputy Layout Director: Annabel Gillespie

Deputy Art Director: Logan Krohn

